.. Copyright 2009-2015 Ram Rachum. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, with attribution to "Ram Rachum at ram.rachum.com" including link. The license may be obtained at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ .. _index: ======================= The Combi Documentation ======================= Combi is a Pythonic package for `combinatorics`_. Combi lets you explore spaces of `permutations`_ and `combinations`_ as if they were Python sequences, but without generating all the permutations/combinations in advance. It lets you specify a lot of special conditions on these spaces. It also provides a few more classes that might be useful in combinatorics programming. .. _index-contents: Documentation contents ====================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 intro perm_space_and_perm comb_space_and_comb bags other_classes Basic usage =========== Use :class:`PermSpace` to create a permutation space: >>> from combi import * >>> perm_space = PermSpace('meow') It behaves like a sequence: >>> len(perm_space) 24 >>> perm_space[7] >>> perm_space.index('mowe') 3 And yet the permutations are created on-demand rather than in advance. Use :class:`CombSpace` to create a combination space, where order doesn't matter: >>> comb_space = CombSpace(('vanilla', 'chocolate', 'strawberry'), 2) >>> comb_space >>> comb_space[2] >>> len(comb_space) 3 For more details, :ref:`try the tutorial ` or see the :ref:`documentation contents `. .. _index-features: Features ======== - :class:`PermSpace` lets you explore a space of permutations as if it was a Python sequence. * Permutations are generated on-demand, so huge permutation spaces can be created easily without big memory footprint. * :class:`PermSpace` will notice if you have repeating elements in your sequence, and treat all occurences of the same value as interchangable rather than create redundant permutations. * A custom domain can be specified instead of just using index numbers. * You may specify some elements to be fixed, so they'll point to the same value in all permutations. (Useful for limiting an experiment to a subset of the original permutation space.) * Permutation spaces may be limited to a certain degree of permutations. (A permutation's degree is the number of transformations it takes to make it.) * `k-permutations`_ are supported. * You may specify a custom type for the generated permutations, so you could implement your own functionality on them. - :class:`CombSpace` lets you explore a space of combinations as if it was a Python sequence. - :class:`MapSpace` is like Python's built-in :func:`map`, except it's a sequence that allows index access. - :class:`ProductSpace` is like Python's :func:`itertools.product`, except it's a sequence that allows index access. - :class:`ChainSpace` is like Python's :func:`itertools.chain`, except it's a sequence that allows index access. - :class:`SelectionSpace` is a space of all selections from a sequence, of all possible lengths. - The :class:`Bag` class is a multiset like Python's :class:`collections.Counter`, except it offers far more functionality, like more :ref:`arithmetic operations between bags `, :ref:`comparison between bags `, and more. (It can do that because unlike Python's :class:`collections.Counter`, it only allows natural numbers as keys.) - Classes :class:`FrozenBag`, :class:`OrderedBag` and :class:`FrozenOrderedBag` are provided, which are variations on :class:`Bag`. Requirements ============ * Python, version 2.7 or 3.3 or above. If you're new to Python, `download the newest version from here `_. * `Setuptools`_. Installation ============ Use `pip`_ to install Combi:: $ pip install combi Community ========= Combi on GitHub: https://github.com/cool-RR/combi Feel free to fork and send pull requests! There are three Combi groups, a.k.a. mailing lists: - If you need help with Combi, post a message on `the combi-users Google Group `_. - If you want to help on the development of Combi itself, come say hello on `the combi-dev Google Group `_. - If you want to be informed on new releases of Combi, sign up for `the low-traffic combi-announce Google Group `_. Roadmap ======= Combi is currently at a version 0.1.0. It's in a very early phase, and currently backward compatibility will not be maintained, to allow for freedom in changing the API. After more feedback and revisions to the API, backward compatibility will start being maintained. Combi has an extensive test suite. :ref:`Changelog `. .. _mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/combi-users .. _combinatorics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combinatorics .. _permutations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permutation .. _k-permutations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permutation#k-permutations_of_n .. _combinations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combination .. _Setuptools: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools .. _pip: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip .. * :ref:`genindex` .. * :ref:`modindex`